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5 mistakes you must avoid in Dynamics 1 continuous assessments

I have seen many unnecessary, simple, careless, casual and completely avoidable mistakes in EG260 (Dynamics 1, Swansea University) continuous assessments over the past years. Here I point out five major mistakes you must avoid.
  1. Using other’s parameter values: You need to find the ROW that corresponds to your student number and use only the parameters given in that ROW. This can de done by using the search-box in EXCEL (usually in the top right corner). Do NOT attempt to use parameter values for other student numbers. The column heading in the EXCEL file indicates the designation of each parameter. Using parameter values fro other student will give you zero mark, even if the procedure is correct!
  2. Putting correct results in wrong boxes: you need to put correct results into correct boxes in the MyAnswers.xls file. Correct results into wrong boxes give no mark. Check and check again before uploading.
  3. Changing the format of the xls file to be uploaded: Download the empty answer file (MyAnswers.xls) to your computer from the Blackboard page. This is the file where you will enter your answers to the questions. The only change that you should do to this file is to enter your answers and to save it! Do NOT rename this file. Do NOT change the file format, for example to .xlsx. Do NOT change the internal formatting of the file. Do NOT change or add new sheets to the file. Your task is to simply enter ONLY numerical values for your answers to this file and save it!Do NOT enter letters, words or non-numerical characters as your answers! Do NOT enter numerical representations such as “10e4” or “1.41E2” or “2*10^2” or “5x10^3”. Such representations for numerical values are not accepted! Do NOT enter incomplete calculations such as “2x2” or “2*100” or “50/3 – 100”. Such answers are not accepted! If you don’t have an answer for a question, simply leave the corresponding cell EMPTY. Do NOT enter “N/A” or “n/a” or “don’t know”.
  4. Failure to submit the supporting work: IN ADDITION to the MyAnswers.xls file, you MUST submit a SINGLE file containing the supporting work. This file should show how you have solved the problems. This is the evidence that you obtained the numerical results yourself. You can type your solution in WORD or SCAN your handwritten work. Either way, submission should be a PDF file. Remember, this FILE NAME must be MySolution.pdf. Do NOT submit separate files for different parts of your solution. Avoid JPG, TIF or other image files if possible.
  5. Missed deadline due to problems in blackboard: There is nothing worse that doing all the work and failing to upload properly via blackboard software. Familiarize yourself with the web interface of blackboard. Click on the “Assignments” tab in the left. Then you need to click on the “Continuous Assessment *” link to activate the submission process. Use the “attach file” option in Section 2. And remember to hit the submit button before the deadline! Hit the button once only.
Please circulate and inform other students.

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